Ted Intorcio (the one on the left)
Ted has a career creating moving graphics and animation for broadcast that spans two millennia, taking Turner and Starz Entertainment's in-house motion departments to new heights. Branching out on his own in 2019, Ted now creates compelling animation that speaks to his love of characters and storytelling, helping ESPN, Nat Geo, Awkward Family Photos, Discover, and many others exceed their communication and animation goals! Strangely, he misses the days when stone tablets were a thing.
MaryJo Gerd (the one on the right)
A self-proclaimed word nerd, MaryJo has been deconstructing and building up simple, yet punchy sentences & slogans since her wildly successful stint running a lemonade stand some (rhymes with shmorty) years ago. Since then, she's been putting her experience and expertise to work for various companies in the entertainment, news, and self-help industries. She slogs to make sure your messaging isn't a lemon!